
New Dawn 2025

Exhibitor Application Form

Exhibit at New Dawn

Please complete the form below to register as an exhibitor at New Dawn. All exhbitors are required to pay a fee of £100 at the point of registration.

Please ensure that each representative from your organisation is booked to attend New Dawn here. You will be required to specify your the group ID from your booking in the form below.

Please note that only one organisation can be registered per application. If you would like to register on behalf of multiple organisations, you will need to submit one registration per organisation.

About You

About Your Organisation

Arrival Instructions

Your registration as an exhibitor covers the whole weekend, from Friday to Sunday.

Please note: As registration for the event opens to pilgrims at 13:30 on the Friday, exhibitors should arrive at 11:00 that day to set up their stall ahead of welcoming pilgrims.


As part of Prince of Peace's process to ensure all organisations (individual or group) act in accord with the magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church on faith and morals, the following Exhibitor Declarations must be accepted:

  • You agree that your organisation's distribution of flyers and promotional material will adhere to the magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church on faith and morals and will not harm the integrity and unity of the Catholic faith.
  • You agree that your organisation's selling of goods and merchandise will in no way contradict the magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church on faith and morals and will not harm the integrity and unity of the Catholic faith.
  • You agree that your organisation will not insight any form of hatred including gender, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and agree to the above declaration and will ensure that your organisation complies with these requirements.

Privacy Statement

The information that you provide on this form will be processed in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Act 2018 and our Privacy Notice which can be read on the Prince of Peace website. This form will be held securely, confidentially, will not be shared with third parties and will be retained in accordance with our record retention schedule.